STM32 I2C Scanner

I2C scanner for STM32f10x series

I2C scanner is fairly simple, yet fast and effective way to find whatever device you put onto I2C bus. Some devices (boards) comes with clear designation on the PCB, some with misleading designation – address is shifted to the left, so for example OLED display typical address is 0x3C/0x3D (depends of address selector jumper), but shifted to the left by 1 bit is 0x78 or 0x7A respectively. They made it as if zero bit is inserted at LSB place so that you ‘just’ send it as-is. But that is bad practice. Rather make your own shifting routine and insert 1 or 0, whether you want to read or write at this address.


scannerThe code is even simpler:

/* Part of the code, will not work alone !!! */

void twiScan(void)
{		int a=0; 
	 	for (uint8_t i=0;i<128;i++)
			I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_START;
			while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB));
			I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP; 
			delay(100);//minium wait time is 40 uS, but for sure, leave it 100 uS
			if (a==2)
				printMsg("Found I2C device at adress 0x%X (hexadecimal), or %d (decimal)\n",i,i);

Whole thing scan all 127 addresses in 45 mS.

Here is how looks whole packet with six addresses found. After each address found, there is 5.5 mS delay until timeout.:


Almost standard wire.c library

Since I am beginner, I just begin to make few more or less standard libraries for STM32f10x series. Right now there are three functions in wire.c; twiScan(), twiSend(), and twiReceive(). So far I did not found need for anything else, but that may change, so stay tuned. Since I have none of other MCU that has different set of registers with also different syntax for those. Here is complete thing with example of main.c code that does nothing except scan.:

#include "stm32f10x.h"
#include "printMsg.h"
#include "wire.h"
#include "delayUs.h"

int main()
  usart_1_enable(); //enabling printMsg();
  twiEnable();//enabling two wire interface, IIC or I2C
  twiScan();//before anything else, lets check which devices are on the bus, 

Implemented in wire.c with wireSend() and wireReceive() functions:

/* Two Wire Interface, I2C (or IIC), here will be called 'twi', and we have
   only twiEnable(), twiSend() and twiReceive(). The twiSend() function is 
	 fairly simple, we just send address of the device shifted to the left by
	 1 bit, or-red | zero (0) at free space that tell I2C bus it is for write operation.
	 The receive twiReceive() function works by sending address also shifted left
	 one bit with logic or | zero (0) at empty bit (LSB), but then we must send command 
	 to the device depending what device has. After command, we stop (although
	 we can remove STOP condition and continue to "repeated start", then we
	 must change bit after address of the device, now it is one (1) that tells
	 I2C bus we want to read. If we try only read from some address, device
	 don't know what to send. So we must first issue command, then read. For
	 specific command set read datasheet of particular device - it is different
	 for all different devices. More on my website: */

#include "stm32f10x.h"
#include "delayUs.h"
#include "wire.h"
#include "printMsg.h"

void twiEnable(void) 
  //just set all registries, but NOT START condition - execute once in main.c
	RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_IOPBEN | RCC_APB2ENR_AFIOEN; //B port enabled, alternate function 
	RCC->APB1ENR |= RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN; //I2C 1 enabled 
	GPIOB->CRL = 0xFF000000;// setting just pins B7 (SDA) and B6 (SCL), while leaving the rest intact 50 MHz!
	I2C1->CR2 |= 50; // GPIO clock freq=50 MHz MUST !!! be equal APB frequency (GPIO, 2, 10 or 50 MHz)
	I2C1->CCR |= I2C_CCR_FS; //fast mode
	I2C1->CCR |= 30; //not sure for 400 000 - (10= 1.2 MHz, 15=800 kHz, 30=400 kHz)
	I2C1->TRISE |= 51; // maximum rise time is 1000 nS
	I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_PE; 

void twiScan(void)
{		int a=0; 
	 	for (uint8_t i=0;i<128;i++)
			I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_START;
			while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB));
			I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP; 
			delay(100);//minium wait time is 40 uS, but for sure, leave it 100 uS
			if (a==2)
				printMsg("Found I2C device at adress 0x%X (hexadecimal), or %d (decimal)\n",i,i);
/* Command or commands, or sending bytes, just the same name of the variable 'command' */
void twiSend(uint8_t address, uint8_t command, uint8_t length)
	I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_START; //START condition 
	while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB));
	I2C1->DR=(address<<1|0); //sending address of the device, 0 = sending
  while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_ADDR)|!(I2C1->SR2));		
	I2C1->DR=command; //filling data register with byte, if single - command, multiple - command(s) and data
	for (uint8_t i=0;i<length;i++)
		I2C1->DR=buffer[i]; //filling buffer with command or data
	I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP;

void twiReceive(uint8_t address, uint8_t command, uint8_t length) 
	I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_ACK;
  I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_START; //start pulse 
	while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB));
	I2C1->DR=(address<<1|0); //sending address of the device, 0 = sending
	while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_ADDR)|!(I2C1->SR2 & I2C_SR2_BUSY));
	I2C1->DR=command; //sending command to the device in order to request data
	I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_START; //REPEATED START condition to change from sending address + command to receive data
	while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB));
	I2C1->DR=(address<<1|1); //sending address of the device, 1 = reading 
	while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_ADDR)|!(I2C1->SR2));
if (length==1)  //receiving single byte, N=1
		I2C1->CR1 &= ~I2C_CR1_ACK; //this will send later NAK (not acknowledged) to signal it is last byte
		I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP; //issuing STOP condition before (!) reading byte
		buffer[0]=I2C1->DR; //single byte is read AFTER NAK (!) and STOP condition
	if (length==2) //receiving two bytes, N=2
		I2C1->CR1 &= ~I2C_CR1_ACK; //this will send later NAK (not acknowledged) before last byte
    I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP;
		buffer[0]=I2C1->DR; //reading N-1 byte, next to last byte is in DR, last one still in shift register
		while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE)|!(I2C1->SR2));
		buffer[1]=I2C1->DR; //read last N byte now available 
  if (length>2) //receiving more than two bytes, N>2
	  for (uint8_t i=0;i<length;i++)
		  if (i<(length-3))      // if it is not N-2, then read all bytes
				while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE)|!(I2C1->SR2));
		  else if (i==length-3) // if it is N-2 then read 
				while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE)|!(I2C1->SR2));
				I2C1->CR1 &= ~I2C_CR1_ACK; //this will send later NAK (not acknowledged) before last byte
				I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP;
	    else if (i==length-2) // if it is N-1 then read
				while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE)|!(I2C1->SR2));
			else if (i==length-1) // else it is N byte 
				while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE)|!(I2C1->SR2)){};
#ifndef wire_h
#define wire_h

#include <stdint.h>

extern uint8_t  address, command, length; 
extern uint8_t  buffer[];
extern uint8_t  status1;
extern uint8_t  status2;

void twiEnable(void);
void twiScan(void);
void twiSend(uint8_t address, uint8_t command, uint8_t length);
void twiReceive(uint8_t address, uint8_t command, uint8_t length);

#include "stm32f10x.h"
#include "stdint.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "stdarg.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "printMsg.h"

char buff[256];

void usart_1_enable(void)
  //enabling pin A9 for alternating funct. for uart/usart
  RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_IOPAEN | RCC_APB2ENR_AFIOEN | RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN; //clock to GPIO A enabled, port A(2), alt.funct.en(0), usart1 clock enabled(14)
	GPIOA->CRH &= ~GPIO_CRH_CNF9_0; //port A9
	GPIOA->CRH &= ~(GPIO_CRH_MODE10_0|GPIO_CRH_MODE10_1); //port A10 is RX
	GPIOA->CRH |= GPIO_CRH_CNF10_0; //port A10 is RX
	//GPIOA->CRH = 0x444444B4; // A9 is alternate output, 50 MHz, push-pull - not this time short version (!)
	//clkPer/(baudRx_16bit)=72MHZ/9600 = 7500 = 0x1D4C
	/* Remove comment line for speed that you want to use*/
	//USART1->BRR = (0xEA60); //   1200 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0x7530); //   2400 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0x3A98); //   4800 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0x1D4C); //   9600 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0x1388); //  14400 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0xEA6) ; //  19200 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0x9c4) ; //  28800 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0x753) ; //  38400 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0x505) ; //  56000 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0x4E2) ; //  57600 Baud
	USART1->BRR = (0x271) ; // 115200 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0x232) ; // 128000 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0x119) ; // 256000 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0x8C)  ; // 512000 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0x46)  ; // 1024000 Baud
	//USART1->BRR = (0x23)  ; // 2048000 Baud
  //USART1->BRR = (0x18)  ; // 3000000 Baud (3 MHz, max speed that HTerm can get, non-standard speed)
	USART1->CR1 |= USART_CR1_TE; //transmitter enable
	USART1->CR1 |= USART_CR1_RE; //receiver enable
	USART1->CR1 |= USART_CR1_UE; //usart enable

void printMsg(char *msg, ...)
	//char buff[120]; //was 80
	va_list args;

	for(int i=0;i<strlen(buff);i++)
	  USART1->DR = buff[i];
	  while(!(USART1->SR & USART_SR_TXE)); //wait for TXE, 1 = data transferred
#ifndef printMsg_h
#define printMsg_h

extern int len;
extern char buff[];
//char buff[];

void usart_1_enable(void);
void printMsg(char *msg, ...);

void delay(unsigned long cycles)
  while(cycles >0)
		asm("nop");asm("nop");asm("nop");  //to get 1 uS if delay(1)
#ifndef delayUs_h
#define delayUs_h

extern void delay(unsigned long cycles);


That is all. Happy scanning! 😀